Transition Year students from Scoil Mhuire Trim participated in the “Knitting our Community Together” project. This involved each student knitting a square of colourful wool, which were later sewn together to wrap around benches, trees and poles. They also helped “Yarn Bomb” Trim by creating dream catchers. They did this by weaving wool around a large hoop. This project involved all students working together to learn new skills and formed part of a well-being programme. The students found it a very relaxing activity and good for the mental health as it reduced screen time immensely and brought people together.
The “Knitting our Community Together” Project was organised by Trim Youth Club. Many clubs, schools and knitting groups participated, with the objective of brighten up the community, while raising awareness for each group in a positive and supportive way.
Pictured Below: Some Scoil Mhuire students with their home economics teachers.
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